We provide guarantees for all our work.
Do you want to have “third teeth”? Dental implants are no longer a rarity; in recent years, the popularity of implantology as a special area of dentistry has been growing. Artificial replacement of missing teeth can be a solution for you too!
Losing teeth during a lifetime is not an isolated case. You can lose a tooth or a straight part of the dentition due to old age, caries, periodontal disease or other diseases, injury or accident - and this is not a tragedy. Aesthetic and medical aspects are ideally masked by modern dental implants.
A dental implant is a replacement for a lost tooth and is used when one or more teeth are lost or when the entire jaw is reconstructed. This is a progressive method of implanting a titanium screw into the jaw bone, on which a prosthesis (crown, bridge or prosthesis) is then installed. Thus, the implant effectively replaces the function of the original tooth root. Sufficient bone quality is a prerequisite for the placement of a dental implant.
  • Permanent Solution
    Unlike a removable prosthesis, an implant is permanently fixed in the jaw. It replaces real teeth in feel and function and does not require special treatment.
  • Permanent solution Self-confidence
    In the case of dental implants, the most common motivation is the aesthetic side of the matter. The dentition will become symmetrical, and any speech defects associated with the absence of part of the teeth will be eliminated. From now on you will spread smiles everywhere!
  • Permanent Solution
    Unlike a removable prosthesis, an implant is permanently fixed in the jaw. It replaces real teeth in feel and function and does not require special treatment.
  • Natural healing and bond strength
    Long-term practice has shown that the human body responds favorably to titanium implants, and the bone tissue adheres well to the implant. The healing time is short, the screw will soon fuse with the bone on its own, and you will feel your own teeth even with implants.
  • Fast and painless insertion
    The insertion of one dental implant takes 15-30 minutes and takes place under local anesthesia.
  • 1
    Primary examination at the dentist-implantologist
  • 2
    Consultation and evaluation of the suitability of various types of dental implants
  • 3
    Procedure - dental implant placement
  • 4
    Prosthetics (bridges, crowns and dentures)
  • 5
    Final inspection
The cost of the entire procedure depends on the individual condition of your teeth and the brand of implants that our experienced dentists will recommend "tailor-made" to your case. We install implants from Straumann, Dentis. Make an appointment, discuss your possibilities and together we will find a suitable solution.
Dental prosthetics allows you to replace lost parts of teeth, whole teeth or groups of teeth. Depending on the size of the loss, we use:
The production of dental veneers is the most modern and sparing solution for aesthetic defects of teeth. A veneer is a thin piece of ceramic material that is bonded to the front of one or more teeth in the visible portion of the dentition.
Crowns can be used when part of a tooth is missing.
The loss of 1 or more teeth can be replaced by a bridge - this is the manufacture of the missing part of the tooth, which is permanently fixed in the oral cavity.
  • All-ceramic crowns and dental bridges (zirconia, e.max)
  • Metal-ceramic crowns and dental bridges
  • Metal crowns and bridges veneered with composite
Root inlays are used in case of complete loss of the crown part of the tooth, during this procedure an inlay is placed in the root canal and a crown is attached to it.
In case of loss of an unlimited group of teeth or all teeth, the solution is to use removable dentures. These are removable dentures (including elastic, frame, hybrid on implants, with lockable joints, total dentures, etc.) We will advise you on the most suitable type of prosthesis. We offer a choice of options for every situation. In cooperation with proven laboratories.
are a modern and reliable method of replacing one or more lost teeth 
Modern dentistry uses a variety of filling materials, and the price of filling teeth depends on the material, the size of the filling and the complexity of the tooth defect. In any treatment, we focus on achieving an ideal and natural appearance of the teeth. We have a wide arsenal of modern materials and technologies. Dental fillings are divided into two types (direct and indirect).
Most suitable for anterior teeth. The dentist matches it with the color and shape of your teeth. Compared to amalgam, photocomposite fillings do not have thermal conductivity, so the patient does not suffer from sensitivity to thermal stimuli.
We use:
*ESTELITE ASTERIA | Tokuyama Dental Corporation (Japan)

*ESTELITE® SIGMA QUICK | Tokuyama Dental Corporation (Japan)

*Filtek™ Supreme Ultra Universal Restorative | 3M (USA)

*MEGADENT | Dentalprodukte GmbH (Germany)
An interesting alternative is the so-called glass ionomer cement (glass ionomer, GIC). This is a unique type of dental filling that (similar to a photocomposite filling) can be made in various shades of white. However, glass ionomer fillings have another advantage. It prevents the formation and spread of caries by constantly releasing fluoride into the environment. Unfortunately, it is not as resistant to mechanical stress as other fillings.
Glass ionomer fillings are used especially in patients with increased caries or in the treatment of children's teeth. They are also used as a finishing material for fixed dentures or as the bottom layer of so-called sandwich fillings.
We use:
*GC Fuji Filling™ (USA)
Types of fillings: inlay, onlay, onlay - are used to reconstruct part of the crown.

Is your tooth so damaged that a filling no longer works and it's not yet ready for a crown? We treat your teeth as conservatively as possible and use laboratory-made inlays and onlays to restore the function and aesthetics of the tooth. An inlay is a filling of the inside of a tooth, i.e. actually a laboratory-made filling, the lining also replaces part of the tubercles of the teeth and therefore is a large laboratory filling or partial crown. These dentures are made of ceramic or gold, where the ceramic is bonded to the tooth with a special adhesive. Of course, ceramics is absolutely unsurpassed in aesthetics! Its use is almost universal, but if you have more difficult situations in the back of the dentition, we do not hesitate to use gold, which is more precise and less sensitive to technique, and whose life exceeds that of ceramic.
Do you want maximum aesthetics?
Want maximum durability?
  • patient with teeth with large fillings
  • patient with teeth with large cavities
  • patient with teeth with chipped cusp or cusps
  • patient with teeth with root canals
  • patient with teeth damaged by grinding (bruxism).
Endodontic treatment is aimed at treating caries at an advanced stage, when the infection has penetrated so deeply into the tooth that the nerve has become inflamed. Left untreated, tooth decay leads to more severe pulp damage and infection in the root canal, also known as nerve inflammation.
Most suitable for anterior teeth. The dentist matches it with the color and shape of your teeth. Compared to amalgam, photocomposite fillings do not have thermal conductivity, so the patient does not suffer from sensitivity to thermal stimuli.
If the first (so-called primary) endodontic treatment is performed poorly or traditionally, the success rate of the treatment is usually low, about 50%. Unsuccessful endodontic treatment leads to inflammation of the bone under the tooth. Inflammation can be acute (manifested by significant pain) or chronic (pain does not bother, but can cause the development of serious health complications).
Reendodontic treatment involves re-treatment of root canals. The treatment is performed under local anesthesia and is painless. We perform reendodontic treatment in one visit. We work with disposable root instruments under an operating microscope. The success of treatment in our company, which specializes in root canal treatment, is about 95%. The success rate for repeat endodontic treatment is usually less than 50% with a conventional general dentist.
Cosmetic dentistry is becoming more and more popular. A beautiful smile has great social credit.
In many professions, healthy, beautiful teeth are an integral part of prestige.
Aesthetic dentistry includes the production of aesthetic (white) fillings, veneers and teeth whitening. In the area of "straightening" teeth, we cooperate with several orthodontists.
Aesthetic fillings are very demanding to manufacture and especially to maintain excellent hygiene, since it is impossible to make aesthetic fillings in teeth with plaque and bleeding gums.
Veneers (white surfaces of teeth) are made in an office or laboratory.
We also offer teeth whitening, both combined and in the office or at home. For more information, please contact your doctor or dental hygienist. Whitening of internally stained teeth is carried out by a doctor, followed by the manufacture of an aesthetic filling.
Aesthetic dentistry includes the production of aesthetic (white) fillings, veneers and teeth whitening. We cooperate with several orthodontists in the field of "straightening" teeth.
based on respect for the basic principles of chemistry and physiology. Thanks to this, we can guarantee a perfect result for everyone, regardless of the original color of the teeth.
During your first visit, your dentist will take perfect impressions of your teeth, and from these impressions, you will be able to create perfectly tight braces that you will use along with the gels for the next 14 nights. The gels you receive from the doctor are stored at temperatures up to 10°C from the factory, even during transport to the doctor's office. This makes them the only gels on the market that remain as effective as they were when they were made. On the fifteenth day, the doctor or hygienist will carry out the final whitening in the office.
Our system uses the lowest concentration of hydrogen peroxide on the market and is fully compliant with European Union legislation. Home stage gels contain 10% and 16% carbamide peroxide (equivalent to approximately 3% and 5% hydrogen peroxide) and office stage gels contain 6% hydrogen peroxide.
Teeth whitening is completely safe.
Teeth whitening is completely safe. Hydrogen peroxide has been used to whiten teeth for over 100 years, and in the entire history of its use, there has not been a single case where whitening would have damaged teeth in any way.
Unlike other whitening procedures, with simple regular maintenance, your new radiant smile will last forever.
Do I need to follow the white diet like other types of whitening?
No, all the results you see on the flyer or on our website have been achieved without strict adherence to the white diet. However, brushing your teeth after coffee or red wine is a good idea.
Will my fillings, crowns or veneers whiten?
No, you can only whiten your own teeth.
Will my teeth look unnatural after whitening?
Whitened teeth never look unnatural. What is often mistaken for unnaturally whitened teeth, usually in celebrities, are poorly made crowns or veneers.
Do I need to give up coffee, tea, cola, red wine, or other colored foods after teeth whitening?
No, with simple regular maintenance, you will keep your color no matter what you eat or drink.
Regular visits to the dental hygienist for a thorough cleaning, removal of tartar, plaque and pigmentation and dental health analysis are a prerequisite for long-term healthy, high-quality and beautiful teeth at any age. This is due to the fact that it is more effective to prevent damage to the teeth and braces than to treat them later. What can we take care of in our dental office in Prague?
As part of oral hygiene services, we perform:
removal of tartar by ultrasound
removal of enamel pigments with AirFlow
periodontal examination
Teaching proper oral hygiene and brushing techniques
Tips for choosing the size and type of toothbrush
consultations on the choice of dental hygiene products (interdental brushes, dental floss, toothpastes, gels and mouth rinses)
The results of dental hygiene are noticeable after the first visit. Your teeth will not only become visibly whiter, but also smoother, healthier, and the spaces between your teeth will be clearer. The feeling of clean and decades younger teeth will last from a few days to several weeks, depending on your lifestyle, brushing technique and care for your teeth.
causes of gum disease
The most common cause of periodontal disease is bacterial infections in the gums that destroy the connective tissue. It is almost always caused by poor oral hygiene and lack of prevention. Improper diet, excessive consumption of alcohol and nicotine, and last but not least, untreated caries and tartar formation can also be to blame.
The disease is treatable, but it is necessary to intervene as early as possible. The diagnosis is made by a periodontist on the basis of a dental examination. An X-ray examination is also necessary to establish the diagnosis and subsequent treatment.
The treatment itself is either conservative, during which the periodontist cleans all the inflamed areas, or surgical, in which the gum is removed with a scalpel and the inflamed areas are cleaned under local anesthesia. Treatment is usually accompanied by the use of disinfectant solutions and antibiotics to kill bacteria. The aesthetic solution is usually a bone bed grafting, gingival aesthetic correction, or open neck coverage.
Mouthguards are one of the means of preventing dental injuries. We offer them to order in many color combinations.
Emergency dental care - quick help, including on weekends.
We ask all patients to make an appointment in advance for dental emergencies by phone.
  • For an additional fee of 500 Kc, you can receive surgical treatment / unscheduled appointments.
  • Treatment on Saturdays, Sundays and holidays, outside working hours, is carried out for an additional fee of 1000 Kc.
  • Treatment on Saturdays, Sundays and holidays, outside working hours, is carried out for an additional fee of 1000 Kc.
For pre-registered patients
Monday - Thursday: 8.00 - 14.00.
Friday: 14:30 - 20:00.
Examinations after office hours, EVENING - FOR REGISTERED PATIENTS BY APPOINTMENT. Treatment after hours, on Saturdays, On Sundays and public holidays by phone by appointment
Write to us
Without us and our fellow dentists, you might perceive the world around you differently, without smiling. Without you, our patients, we would not be able to offer our services and engage in quality medicine that we like and enjoy. A patient who walks away happy after months or years of suffering and worrying about their teeth is the real reward for our work. Therefore, we are so glad when you contact us after solving the problem, when you come again, not just for inspection. Your potential criticism, again, is very useful for our future work. Therefore, please, if you want to leave feedback on the course of the examination or treatment, on the results of the procedure, on the organization of care at our workplace, if you have comments, ideas, suggestions on what can be improved or done differently, please share it with us. Thank you for your time and for your words, which can give courage to other people who have doubts about the treatment.

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